Nice Tribute to a Video Game Idol
10 September 2006
People seem to think that the anime adaptations of video-games are somehow better than the films based on games using live-actors. Personally what I can't stand is how people who make this kind of anime always have to crowbar anime-conventions into places where they don't belong, in pathetic attempts to add some depth to the characters and their game-world. Undoubtedly some of the goofier elements of Anime do find their home in the Sonic Anime, but the over-all plot is rather ridiculous in hind-sight.

That's not to say that the OVA doesn't look good, but for some reason OVAs just tend to disappoint me with their lack of comprehensive closure, just like with Burn Up W and New Dominion Tank Police. Why OVAs can't look to Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki for a way to keep an OVA alive, I just don't understand.

As a side-note (and notice that this did not affect my vote): I have always thought that of all Sonic cartoons this has had the worst English-speaking voice-cast. The Japanese voices were decent, but none of the characters sound themselves in the English dub.

Sonic Anime is a nice tribute to the old-school Sonic-fans, but other than that there's nothing very appealing about it.
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