Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (1997 Video Game)
Well designed AND challenging
31 August 2006
My opinion of Starfleet Academy, which takes into consideration the same points as the only other comment, is that the game is well designed and challenging. These are two very good attributes when selecting a decent game.

Who want to play a game where it is too easy or predictable? No one. The storyline is intricate, the gameplay is amazing, the gameplay is as close to "real" as it could get, and they have special guest voices from time to time.

In the other comment, the game is discredited for using only two different weapons (phasers/disruptors and torpedoes). Is that not the way it always went on the show? Regardless, that's how it is in every other Star Trek game out there. So, why complain? It's just being "real". They also commented that they were stuck on disk 2 out of 5. Well, good. Everyone needs a good challenge. Obviously there is something they had not thought of to get through it. Be creative, use your heads, use your friends' heads. Think like a starship Captain.

This game is really very decent, and I hope anyone reading this can see it the way I do. After all, that one comment is the only complaint about this game I have ever seen/heard.
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