quite a bad jumbled mess
26 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What positive statement can be said about this mess of a movie? If you've never seen the first installment, BR2 would be horrendous, a 1/10, an unwatchable mess of a movie. If you have seen the first movie (which was good) this installment will at least hold your interest somewhat, and be a solid 3/10...just watchable enough to sit through (it took me three sitting).

Not much of the movie made any sense. Let's discuss. The first Battle Royale movies premise, is that Battle Royale is a government program designed for kids to kill kids in a controlled environment within a certain time frame. This movie alters that premise slightly by having the kids being thrust into a war situation forced to kill the winner of the last Battle Royale movie, who is now a terrorist who blew up some buildings (remind anyone of anything? If it doesn't, the first images in the movie will beat it into your head.) and is trying to start a revolution.

The terrorists philosophy is that adults have wrecked the world, and that kids can do better. I saw this done in Logans Run ending with the same results. A question that was never asked in the movie? What happens when the kids come of age? Are they the enemy now? Or the kids that have babies, are they still kids? Also, where do these kids get all the bombs, guns and computers? They obviously they have no money judging by how they live...

Why the allusions to the USA? They make no sense.

Why is the teacher wearing a collar? I thought each collar was paired up this time? Now the acting...yikes. Both the teacher and the blond guy, wouldn't be able to get roles on Degrassi based on that acting. The teacher especially. Shuya the terrorist was no better.

A jumbled pile of crap, that's what it is.
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