Chrono Trigger (1995 Video Game)
The best fantasy RPG of its time
15 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Although Chrono Trigger is, from a video game perspective, ancient, it still retains its charm for a modern RPG-gamer. Why? The list is long, for one thing, it has rid itself of many common problems in other RPGs, for example are the characters original, not suffering from the classical Mary Sue-complex many other RPGs struggle with. Also the combat system is nice, again different in a good way. The game is in addition amazingly non-linear, considering when it was made. The thirteen different endings gives the game a certain extra replay value. Speaking of which, the game also gains some replay value by the interesting character gallery alone, from the primitive Ayla to via the chivalrous Frog to the futuristic Robo, these characters interact in a manner that pulls you into the game with them, and the standard ending, which probably is the first ending you will see, will make you sad, or sad-ish.
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