Review of Shutter

Shutter (II) (2004)
Yeat another creepy Asian horror ghost story... and a good one!
9 August 2006
Before seeing this, I had doubts. Serious doubts. It's not humanly possible to squeeze anything fresh from this formula, right? Since "6th sense" (1998) we've seen a dozen variations of the same stuff: ghost(s) give some poor guy a puzzle and if he doesn't solve it in time, the ghosts will kill him, or something like that. And the ending is always a twist the lead character (and the viewer) didn't expect. The Hollywood versions have been going downhill: "Ring" => "Grudge" => "Ring 2","Dark Water", and lately also the (original) Asians have been running out of good ideas - for example "One missed call": few good ideas, but it just tries too hard. But it's only natural. You can milk the same cow only so much. BUT, here we have "The Shutter"... Without spoiling too much, I'll just say 3 things: 1) See it. It's among the best (and creepiest) 3 movies of this genre I've ever seen. 2) "Shutter" is to Asian ghost movies what "Scream" was to splatters. It makes fun at the clichés (and also a few American horror movies...), but without losing its grip. This ain't a parody. 3) The amount of story there usually is in these movies, is covered in the first half hour. But after that... it just keeps on building up! In terms of storytelling this is a masterpiece. Do yourself a favor. See it.
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