Big Little Woman
28 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you are like me, you'll watch these old things because detective story films from the 30's are important. You could also be genuinely charmed by cultural notes from another world.

But for me, it got higher on my viewing list because movies about the circus are special in the tricks they pull, and the special cinematic vocabulary they bring.

This one has almost no real circus content or feel, except that there are midgets, a gorilla, and one attack on a trapeze.

The gorilla thing is almost obligatory in these cheap movies. The humorous thing in this case (spoiler) is that the animal is clearly a guy in a gorilla suit. The murderer it turns out is a guy posing as the "real" gorilla and who wears a slightly cheaper gorilla suit.

Its all a waste, that part. But you might want to see the siblings who play — and are — the midgets. Brother and sister, they became rather successful on Broadway I read.

The girl here is 18 and really very pretty. She's not an accomplished actress, but as she is playing herself in all respects, she really seems true and endearing, especially next to the old white guy aping what he thinks are Chinese mannerisms.

Their bit is a ballroom dance, not anything circusy. But their very presence after Browning's 32 "Freaks," forebodes Lynch and all that means.

Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.
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