Conspirator (1949)
Good Cold War film noir
21 July 2006
Great plot, great movie. I can see that the commies in Hollywood would not like it, and it was banned in Finland, which was highly influenced by the Stalinists in Russia at the time.

With a background in political science and history, I can say that there really is a lot of realism in this movie. It was not at all uncommon for lifelong spies to be betrayed by their own need for love. And, the naive attitude of the Taylor character in seeking help from the Ruskies (remember, with STALIN in charge, was not at all unusual.

The attitude of the Brits, who had been watching him all along, is also pretty typical of real situations.

My wife particularly liked Taylor cast against type, and we both thought that Liz did a great job, as well as Taylor, in this pretty exciting and dramatic film.
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