What is it about this film?
17 July 2006
I found this being sold at the video store with no box, I just saw the title and figured it would not hurt to get it, and I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. My expectations were not at all high as I popped in the VHS. Soon, I saw Adam West was in it and thought..."Holy Guacamole Batman, this might be good!" Was it good? No. Did I like it? Somewhat. This film has absolutely no redeeming qualities, bad acting, bad dialog, bad special effects, but there is something about this film. The basic plot is this cool dude dies because some idiots killed him so he comes back as a "zombie" to kill them. Armed with a baseball bat they all get killed in rather comical and unoriginal ways. This is worth a look since it is oh so bad, but oh so good. I find it to be an entertaining bad movie. Check it out!
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