Party Monster (1998)
A good "Shockumentary", but lacks a little sympathy for Angel
13 July 2006
Ever since my mom and I saw the motion picture "Party Monster", we were curious to learn more about the club kids and Michael Alig and James St. James. In my opinion about the tragic death of Angel Mendaz, I felt it was a fight gone too far because I did find out that Michael is actually despite the drug addiction is a very decent and kind human being. Same with Angel, he was a good friend, again, get past the drug selling, he was another very good human being. But then again I wasn't there, so I can't say this 100% with truth.

But I felt that the documentary was more on getting sympathy for Michael Alig, despite from what I heard and read on websites that he was a very nice guy, he did kill someone. He had claimed it was self defense, but he could've come clean from the get go then. Still the documentary itself on the club kids is a good one, if you are curious about the lifestyle and what it was like to be a club kid, this is a documentary worth watching.

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