Quite possibly turning out to be the greatest trilogy since the original Star Wars
8 July 2006
First off, Pirates 2 was miles ahead of the first one, and there are many reasons why. It had a darker story, which was more in depth and complicated than the first one, and probably will take more than one viewing to understand the entire plot. HOwever, everything was indeed taken to the next level in this one, as well as any sequel should.

(Spoilers) (majorly) There is more than one plot going on if you think about it. Because there's the issue of Jack fighting to keep his life, there's will and Elizabeth trying to ensure their freedom, and there's also Will trying to save his father's soul as well.

The characters are much more in depth in this one as well. Jack becomes a lot more noble at one point. Will is much less of a pansy in this one. Not that he was in the first, but he's a lot more bad ass this time around. Even Elizabeth brings a lot more edge to her character. The minor characters have much more comic relief to them in this movie, and there are also a lot more twists as well with plot and characters who you never even thought to come back.

The action sequences are twice as intense as well as the swordfights, and Davy Jones is a far more fearsome villain than Barbossa ever will be. Stellan Skaarsgard gives a great performance as Will's father as well.

As far as the comedic gags go. I felt that they were somewhat needed at times, especially with Jack's character as always, but even the other characters had quite a bit as well, which made it much more fun to watch.

Now, comparing this to the original trilogy of Star Wars. Look at Jack Sparrow. He reeks of Han Solo throughout the movie, albeit he's a lot more lax than Han, but he has the roguish, mercenary swagger that Han does. Will is basically Luke Skywalker, because he's the goody goody fighting for justice all the time, even though he's quite the pirate as well. Elizabeth is obviously Princess Leia, and the fact that her and Will are to be married is basically Luke and Leia without the brother sister plot involved. As for other characters. Barbossa can be compared best to Moff Tarkin in the first movie, cuz he is not the most fearsome villain in the seas, like Tarkin wasn't the most evil figure in the galaxy. Davy Jones is the evil emperor, and Will's father is like Anakin if he didn't get burned, but he still has done something he eventually is not proud of and does want to save his son, only it happens in #2 instead of #3. Gibbs can be compared to Yoda, cuz he's like a mentor to will at times. The two pirates (the fat guy and the one with the odd Eye) can be compared to R2 D2 and C3P0 in that order as well. The government and the undead could all be compared to the empire, just cuz they're the bad guys in the story. As far as plot goes, none of it has to really do with blowing up Death stars and stuff.

However, the first one did go a bit like the first one in a sense that Will is a farmboy (blacksmith) who meets up with Jack(Han Solo) and wants to save Elizabeth (Leia.) Only, no death star. Curse must be lifted instead.

In number 2 of Pirates, the plot had a lot more twists and turns, and a surprise at the end. The government and the undead are after the Pearl and Jack (Millenium Falcon and Solo) Will has to save his father, which is his goal by the 3rd movie, and finally, there is a HUGE twist as it ends, only no (Will, I am your father.) That's just how it seems to me, but not only that. If you think about it, times have changed again like they did back in the 70s when all those realistic movies came out and Star wars came along and changed everything. The new trilogy didn't do as well, and pray God Pirates doesn't do the same thing. Nowadays, in the world where there's all these remakes of classic movies that were sometimes better the first time around, Pirates comes along. It may be based on something already in existence, but the plot and the characters really came out of nowhere. And no one expected the first one to do so well, just like Star Wars. The second even surpassed my expectations at least and surprised the heck out of me. Pirates is the only series these days doing anything original and new. It's an old concept, but it is finally being shown the way it was meant to be shown. Everyone loves it so much, and it is a great legacy that is being sewn into history. Here's to Pirates 3.

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