one of the joys of Letterman's career...
4 July 2006
This special is one of my very favorite memories of David Letterman, and I've been a big fan for 23+ years now. This special really needs to see the light of day on DVD. It was a wonderful show...something really unusual and experimental, but executed so flawlessly that it seemed easy. Which, if you think about it, is really what David Letterman has always done best...make it look easy.

**minor spoiler** I am mentioning this because I doubt the show will ever see the light of day again. And if it does, this would hardly detract from the overall comedy.

Prior to 9/11, Letterman's show always began with two introductory jokes. First, "From New York..." and then something about the New York being a wretched hell-hole. Second, "And now, a man who..." or some other joke about Dave himself.

For this special, the jokes were:

"From New York, where it's never a good idea to buy loose Milk Duds..."


"And now, a man who found the ending to Rocky IV a *complete* surprise...David LETTERMAN!!!"

Priceless. This special is one of the true joys of Letterman's television career. I really hope I get to see it again someday.
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