Run a Crooked Mile (1969 TV Movie)
classic movie
4 July 2006
I loved this movie and would look forward to seeing it play on sun afternoons. It is amazing how many people besides myself, and my sisters crave this film. I know its hard to redo a classic but this one is timeless and should be made again. Great story and twist. lets all get together for a convention and rent a theater and show this on the big screen. that is as soon as we get a copy!!!!! As soon as i obtain the film i Will post it here and those that need it can contact me. This is a great website for movie junkies to go to. best of luck to all. DID any one ever watch the show the PERSUADERS with Tony Cutis and Roger Moore? this was a TV show in the early 70's, well it has the same feel as the film Run A Crooked Mile that show is out on video.
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