A thorough,pragmatic,forthright movie,a little prolix
4 July 2006
It feels,throughout this movie,the influence of Pasolini's mordant realism.This concept had its limitations (the listlessness towards an interior life highly differentiated,the uprearing of a messy and base life,etc.;also,the inherent,indispensable epic conventions, solutions and patterns),but also its obvious efficacy.(Later,Pasolini changed course and modus,heading towards a more elaborated aesthetics,both visually and intellectually;but then so did his pupil Bertolucci also.)

"La Commare ..." is Bertolucci's first film,released when the director was 21 years.It is a plain,articulated social anecdote,interested in depicting some characters:an unemployed bum;an oxygenated loan shark;a redneck soldier (a simpleton);an weirdo in sabots;two adolescents.The movie consists of five relations during the interrogatories following a mysterious crime.So,we have five different short incursions in the suspects' environments.This is done in an equable prosaic realistic note;the result is an objective,straight,efficacious cinema.

The subject belongs to Pasolini,and the script is Bertolucci's.
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