Review of Silent Hill

Silent Hill (1999 Video Game)
One of the best games of our generation
30 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I played this game waaaaaay back when it was first released, in 1999. And it still scares the crap out of me when I play it (yes I still have it, its that good). In my opinion the original Silent Hill is very underrated, so I thought I take the time to give it a truly honest review. First things first this game is not for the faint of heart. It has very graphic and disturbing scenes and themes. One of the main story points is a mother burns her daughter alive and offers her up as a sacrifice.


The story of the game is exceptionally done. The developers do a fantastic job of telling you an emotionally disturbing story without really telling you anything. A lot is left to speculation and near microscopic hints and references. And may require many years of true deciphering. I'm still debating on some of the key story points. this is one of the only games I know where the story itself adds replay value, just to fully understand it all.

Its also to me the very first game with truly mature related themes (besides the original Metal Gear for the MSX). Silent Hills story is very dark and mature. Tellings of child abuse, loss of child and exploring death itself. Silent Hill helps to blur the lines between video games and movies.


Much like the story, nothing short of brilliant. In too many horror games do we play as a cop or a government agent. In Silent Hill you play as a mere writer, with no special skills, no training only the love and determination for his child to push him forward. The game play for the original Silent Hill beat Resident Evil at that time. It had way better control, your actually able to walk and shoot at the same time, which adds more comfortable and realistic feel than Resident Evils stand in one spot and shoot routine. The puzzles were waaaaaaay more challenging than Resident Evils add this to this, combine that to make what ever.

Silent Hills puzzles actually require a lot of thought, some containing cryptic poems and riddles that require you to have a pen and pad handy to help decipher the meaning. The combat is also nicely done, though kind of clunky, key word "Kind of". Again your not playing as a soldier, just a normal guy with no combat skill. Thus the fighting feels more realistic. Theirs more movement than other SH games at that time. You can run to the side to evade attacks, walk back and shoot at the same time etc.

Theirs also a nicely done user camera which sometimes helps to get a better view of the situation but can sometimes create some minor problems as well. But never the less it helps to add a cinematic feel to the game play. This is not an action game. More tension than Resident Evil. Thus their are only 4 firearms in the game, but thats all you need. All the rest are fun to use mêlée weapons, the katana is my personal favorite weapon in the game.


The graphics are impressive to say the least, even by todays standards. The game has wonderful lighting affects, and the FMV sequences in the game are unbelievable. The fog in the game does a good job of adding to the atmosphere, and giving a feeling of isolation.


The sound is also very well done. The presence of the monsters is noted by a small radio that emits static when they are near. When far away their sounds are distant and muted, and slowly get louder has they near providing an unsettling feeling. The music also adds to the creepy factor. More post industrial noise than actual music. Their are tons of screeches and screams in the music. And also in the game itself. You'll be walking down the hallway and out from nowhere you hear the sound of a baby crying, or someone or something violently banging on the wall. Its just creepy!! Bottomline.

Silent Hill is a great achievement in video game presentation. And as I said before, the game still remains vastly underrated. I recommend this game to anyone who has seen a good horror movie and is still wanting more. If you can find it buy Silent Hill, its just that good.
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