Slapstick comedy.
28 June 2006
In the world we are living nowadays, it's sadly at times that appearances matter before everything else. And watching it being played out, maybe kind of funny and a little poignant as well.

Katya Livingston (Jennifer Love Hewitt) is a 28-year-old advertising executive who will do anything to climb up the San Francisco's social ladder. Though she is an asset to the advertising company she works for, she has always been wanting to live it up and be part of the thick of things in the San Francisco's socialite scene.

When it became very clear that she was not invited to a ball, she was clearly furious and had been trying means and ways to crash into it after even learning her own friends are being invited. In the midst of all these things, Katya had been trying to search for her Mr. Right and though her friend in the office told her that what Katya wanted is only all in her dreams, the latter insisted that her Mr. Right is really out there.

And it happened to be the one she once met at the lift lobby at the place where she works. She soon learnt the name is Charles (Colin Ferguson).

On the day of the ball, Katya's two friends managed to find a way out for her to enter. And when the hostess saw Katya, catfight ensued before it was revealed later in a speech presentation which Katya has to make (the ball was the benefit of the poor African children and Katya happened to have adopted a son from Uganda) that whatever she did was the sake to be part of the social scene. And she is not as perfect as what everyone else thinks.

So, did Katya eventually get what she really wanted in the end? Well, unless you are watching it.

This is like one of those kind of slapstick comedies I had expected. Recommeded for those who like some fun and laughs.
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