Creation Of The Humanoids.......Finally on DVD
26 June 2006
I just purchased "Creation Of The Humanoids" as part of a double feature released by Dark Sky(The other movie is War Of The Planets).I was hoping for a better print(I'd give it a 7.5 out of ten)but compared to what was available I can live with it.I remember watching this movie on Creature Features(here in N.Y. on Metromedia 5),and I've tried to locate a decent copy(I've bought several VHS tapes on ebay but they have a 6.5 quality at best).I always like this movie--given it's limited budget I think its still a cult classic.The acting is stilted at times(budget again),the script and direction is good(and not to mention the Jack Pierce make-up).With Hollywood remaking classics(The Omen,Starsky and Hutch,et al)how about putting together a decent budget and remaking this ?
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