Review of Minoriteam

Minoriteam (2005–2006)
A great homage to Kirby and Steranko artwork, but...
21 June 2006
The writing is trying to be so irreverent, it actually becomes pointless. The show doesn't need a message, but it needs more then flat endings a one-joke takes on Goodfellas. If they took a page from either Smigel or Parker/Stone and focused on something, literally, anything, it would be a huge improvement. It doesn't have to be political, or even social commentary, (which I think is what everyone expected this to be). Its art style makes it perfect for an attack on the superhero on many levels. And the villains are light-years better than the heroes.

One thing about the style - it's not trying to ape Alex Toth's Super-Friends or the '67 DC Filmation cartoons Smigel based his Ambiguously Gay Duo/X-Presidents on. Minoriteam is vintage Silver Age Marvel - Kirby panels but with a Steranko feel. If it's a homage to anything, it's to the '67 Marvel cartoons which were cut-n-paste comic panels, animatic overlay. The opening "In Color" credits is straight from Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

In the end, it's a genius idea, but the story execution is weak. The writers need to find a subtext or it's never going to last. Korgoth is a great example of a cartoon working on different levels.
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