Blackbelt (1992)
Mass Destruction...
15 June 2006
Don Wilson stars as Jack Dillon, a karate instructor (Also ex-cop) who protects the superstar singer Shanna(Dierdre Immershein) who is the target of a psychotic fan named John Sweet(Mattius Hues), seems Sweet had a love affair with his mom(Eeew!) and Shanna reminds him of mom which is why he kills brunettes and sends their fingers to him. (A true romantic, if there ever was one.) Also on board are the mobsters who look to collect the insurance on Shanna's contract, due to her reluctance to sign again, this all of course leads to a three way fight with Dillon fighting not only the mobsters but also a psychopathic serial killer. Blackbelt is a better than expected martial arts action flick which ripped off 'The Bodyguard' only this time there are a lot of fight sequences and less bad singing. (Although the soundtrack and the 80s music is terrible also) This of course works for the type of angle that the movie aims for. Also the climax in particular is exciting and the movie is packed with gore and enough action to entertain any schlock movie fan. I saw this back in 96 on WGN and because I missed about 20 minutes of it, I decided to rent it the next day. So far it ranks as the only enjoyable flick I've seen from Don Wilson and as a guilty pleasure.

* *1/2 out of 4-(Pretty good)
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