Still yet another enjoyably trashy Italian post-nuke sci-fi picture
14 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, we all know the post-nuke sci-fi action picture score by now. Well, here we go again. Once more what's left of society following a devastating nuclear holocaust has degenerated into total every-man-for-himself, kill-or-be-killed, survival-of-the-fittest barbarism. The callous, haughty upper class get their twisted sicko jollies off by hunting expendable contaminated poor folks. One team of contemptibly snooty wealthy scum nihilists, lead by vicious master swordsman Erasmas (a superbly hateful Harrison Muller) and arch bitch Idra (played to the eminently hissable hilt by Marina Costa), almost succeed in killing wimpy decent dude Allan (a likable performance by William Mang). Allan is saved and nursed back to health by tough, but tender-hearted ex-cop Sam (grizzled veteran macho man supreme Woody Strode in peak rugged form). Sam transforms Allan from a slow, clumsy pushover into a mean, fast, ultra-lethal fightin' machine through an especially harsh, painful and arduous bout of rigorous training. Allan, primed and ready to stomp some serious booty, tracks down the rich a**holes who nearly did him in and picks 'em off one at a time.

Basically just another rehash of that much copied and ripped off hoary old chestnut "The Most Dangerous Game," this spare, gritty, very ugly and ferocious little number gets by on the basis of its raw, no-frills, rough-edged brutality alone, unnervingly blurring the line between the good guys and the bad guys by depicting a grim future where violence and savagery are an everyday part of life. Although marred by a tepid opening third and an all-too-apparent two-cent budget, "The Final Executioner" does possess the right sleazy materials to measure up as a properly hard-hitting and two-fisted up to speed action item: Besides the copious nasty and often unsparingly grueling violence, there's also a generous sprinkling of sex and nudity, plus rape, torture, degradation and even voyeurism. Now, that's exactly what low-grade exploitation trash is all about!
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