Justice League (2001–2004)
A Bat-fan's point of view
12 June 2006
I am an extremely big batman fan, and as such watched the "Batman the Animated series" avidly. When i heard Bruce Timm was going to make a Justice League cartoon show, I was actually worried. Batman is a strong character in the comics, but usually is translated as a weaker sub-character when mixed with superheroes of the superman/wonder woman caliber. When i saw the first episode, i was firmly gripped by the storyline and was actually worried when they said Batman died, i had never been so attached to a cartoon. When he was found to be alive i openly screamed in joy. I find it astounding that the writers were able to write story lines that not only captivate children and adults, but also shows the little nuance's and complexities of the characters; that they are able to represent both Batman and Superman as partners and equals was something that took years to do in the comics. The writing for this series is superb to say the least, and the animation is very good. I can't wait to see what the creative team comes up with now that the show is over.
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