More Surreal
12 June 2006
Here's great fun. Sometimes a film, or any art I suppose, is targeted to a specific consumer — someone different than us. Then, perhaps we will find it and experience it in ways not intended, or intended effects are exaggerated.

For me, nearly any old film needs to be considered this way, and many from cultures other than mine, though these are rare these days.

This is a slight comedy of the type Hollywood would patent as screwball, but with the heavy dose of physical humor popular in silents. It was made in the Stalinist "union," for a contemporary audience. So you'll see Soviet commissars and effects of contemporary rules. Certain alien stereotypes, including Russian Jews from a Russian perspective.

What's common here with my world is a pretty girl, lust and greed, the stuff of a universal dynamo. But these are cast off kilter from the way you normally see them, so they seem fresh. It helps that the production values are very high, better it seems that your typical American or French film of the era.

Its light, but its placement makes it profound.

Ted's Evaluation -- 3 of 3: Worth watching.
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