Dead at 21 (1994)
Classic Age-Paranoia TV Show
11 June 2006
The premise of the show was that Ed Bellamy, a long-haired college genius, discovered on his 20th birthday that he was the subject of a childhood medical experiment. Microchips had been implanted in his brain, which make him a genius but will also kill him by his 21st birthday. The show follows Ed during his quest to prevent his death. During that time, the element of age and distrust towards those older than 21 is reiterated in plot line-after-plot line, leading to common theme often uttered out loud in despair by Ed Bellamy or one of his sidekicks: "Never trust anyone over 21"

Set in the grunge-years of the early 90s, when long-haired men were in style, this show both nurtured and benefited from the rebellious, youthful nature of the grunge movement. It inspired a small cult-following when it was aired, but failed to retain a longer-term fan-base. It was only aired for a single season. It is a great show with a unique plot line... two thumbs up.
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