The Recipe
4 June 2006
Not often that a decently produced film with some veteran actors gets a rating as low as this one. I watched it on Sundance channel with no advance idea of its origin. I am fairly convinced, however, that its flaws relate to the origins of its ingredients.

First, you take some young New Yorkers who may or may not be on speed and get them to write a treatment for a film in small script in an even smaller notebook. Then you have them read it back to themselves after they have come down off their high, reflecting if possible on any chaotic dreams they can remember. Tell them to include all the stock New York characters and clichés in no apparent order, jumping all over the place in time and location.

Next you hire some really great local character actors who are between engagements to play some zany but recognizable types. Add a couple of actresses to play, respectively, a one-note looker and a drippy high school sweetheart type. Then cast one of yourselves in the main protagonist role as an aspiring writer with no real talent either as a writer or actor. A cute dog and maybe even someone's cat could provide added appeal.

Then comes the hard part: getting someone short on IQ but long on money to finance the whole thing and let it go wherever it takes you. Marketing can come later.

This turkey is saved by inspired character acting. I particularly liked Burt Young playing a role he has played many times, and I thought John Ventimiglia was terrific. Pity it had to be in this film.
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