Who's Your Daddy? (2002 Video)
predictable but fun
18 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
WHO'S YOUR DADDY? is a predictably fun movie that is worth a look. I didn't know anything about this movie until I watched it on Showtime a couple of days ago.

Anyway, the story goes like this: Chris Hughes is the average high school loser. His group of friends are the out casts of the school. This one girl, Kate, likes him but he is obsessed with Brittany, the high school hottie. Of course, with his loser status, she will have nothing to do with him. That is until his real parents die (he was adopted) and leave him Mack Enterprises, which owns Heaven Magazine. Soon, he is rich and instant popularity follows. Now Brittany wants everything to do with him (if only to jump start her career) and he wants nothing to do with anybody else. Seems his scheming Uncle Dunky wants him to fail so he gains ownership of Mack Enterprises. Chris doesn't want to do the job he inherited so this comes quickly. Chris soon loses the people who care about him most, even his friend Adam (Charlie Talbert from the wonderful 'ANGUS'), the stereotypical fat, high school student.

I will stop there and say give this movie a go. The best scenes involve the very funny Colleen Camp as Chris's adoptive mother, especially the scene in the Chinese restaurant, the funniest part in the entire movie.
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