I've Got a Secret (2006– )
Sorry Guys... This is just plain bad television.
16 May 2006
I was really looking forward to this program when GSN was teasing it all over the place, (I loved the original) but the whole show is just bad. It's "celebrity value" maintains a deficit, and the quality of contestants are horrible.

Also, who are these people?? I know that Billy Bean quit baseball to come out of the closet, which begs the question to the producers, "Why are all 3 of the male "stars" gay?? Do they have something against heteros? Plus the "stars" are often very inappropriate with the contestants. In one episode, Frank (The fat, bald guy from XM Satellite Radio) said that he and the contestant (a 91 year old water skier) had slept together to get a laugh, and the gentleman was visibly shaken by the comment.

Also, what is up with their prizes?? $1,000 and dinner in Hollywood?? Can they get any cheaper?? Cripes! They should should get that at the very least for appearing, especially having to deal with the no-talent, no-name "stars".

Bill Dwyer is OK, but does not take control of his show. He should watch some of the old game shows, and see how people like Garry Moore, John Daly, Bud Collyer, and Allen Ludden did it in the old day. They dominated the show, and they showed their talent and skill in always being able to reign in the stars as necessary. (Not that Mr. Dwyer has any of those to worry about.) This show had great expectation and falls super way short. Too bad. If the panel members..... oops, I mean stars, would stop being so all over the place, and be a little more respectable, they might make the second season...

Right Now, however, this show belongs on the cancelled list, and I hope it is soon. Bring back Friend or Foe. Hell, I'd even love a second What's My Line there too. That would be fun.

If you've never seen this show, then congratulate yourself. You will always have that 30 minutes to use in life somewhere
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