Review of Eclipse

Eclipse (1994)
Eclipse of the eyes.
17 May 2006
There are two kinds of art films: the real deal and the pseudos. This is one of the latter.

I knew coming in that this movie had been critically slammed by the press. The film critic at the Ottawa Sun gave it a 0 and called it nothing. Very few films get a zero from the Sun (Street Fighter:The Movie got one) and he also blasted Jeremy Podeswa for wasting the money he got to make this film. However, Eclipse is one of those so-bad-it's-good films. The attempts by the actors to sound serious and profound are so laughable that instead of taking everything seriously you are laughing your head off with the situations presented here.

The side-story of the film is about a group of sky-watchers and scientists who are coming to Toronto to film the full Solar Eclipse that is taking place there and we hear about their preparations and their excitement and anxiety for the event.

It's the rest of the film that is terrible. We see a group of people interconnected from each scene waxing philosophically about life and sex. We see prostitution, one-night stands, disappointing rediscoveries, etc. The movie features English, French and Spanish characters in an attempt to keep anyone on their toes LOL.

The laughs come when you hear some of the stories from the characters. My favorite is the scene where Sylvie (Pascale Montpetit) is telling her English instructor Gabriel (Manuel Aranguiz) a sob story about her horrible childhood that saw her having sex with all her brothers. Just seeing the subtitles and over-the-top acting had me laughing it up. Way to over-reaching, Jeremy.

I doubt this will ever be on video but you're not missing much. If they happen to play it at some art house and you don't want to embarrass yourself by taking it as a comedy then pass it.
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