Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (1994–1997)
Best Klasy Scupe Cartoon ever!
13 May 2006
Unlike Rugrats, Wild Thornberrys, Rocket Power, or any other cartoon you'd find from the famous Klasy Scupe co.

Real Monsters is possibly one of their most unique series they ever came up with.

The show is all about monsters. You might find them to be figments of your imagination, things that go bump in the night, you're common fear. But in this cartoon, you'll change the way you think of monsters.

Besides going under the bed or closet,a monster's life is similar to ours in a way. They live in dumps, swamps, sewers, or any where that stinks. They eat garbage or anything that humans don't eat. And scaring humans is common in their nature.

The series focuses on 3 monster students, Ickis(A red rabbit like monster), Krum(a dimwitted smelly/hairy monster with mobile eyes), and Oblina(a candy cane shape monster and the brains of the trio). These 3 monsters attend the Monster Accedmy. A school where young monster learn how to scare humans and how to avoid being seen being seen in public. Because they don't want the whole world to know they exist.

Being a scary monster isn't as easy as it looks. If you screw up on a scare or get revealed to the public then you get punished. Throughout the series our trio gets into trouble, situations and encounter some weirdness.

The animation is very well down. The episodes are very original and the characters are memorable. It's a must see to those who like animation or weird looking cartoons.

I hope one day this series will be available on DVD.
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