Review of Hannibal

Hannibal (2001)
Why "Silence of the Lambs" was a better movie:
28 April 2006
I just read the long comment that shows on the main 'Hannibal' page, written by an Australian that liked 'Hannibal' better than 'Silence'. While his comment was well written, I couldn't disagree with him more. I have read all of Thomas Harris' books, most of them at least twice, and really love his writing style and the characters he brings to life in the 'Lecter' books. There is no doubt whatsoever that 'Silence' was a better adaptation; it is scene by scene the same as the book. From the actors portrayal of the characters down to the dialogue, it's almost identical. It even won the Oscar for best screenplay adaption. 'Hannibal' on the other hand, is an atrocity as a movie. From the downgrade to Julianne Moore as Starling, to the blatant changes and omissions to the story, it's a sad thing that the beautiful movie hidden inside this book was never discovered by Ridley Scott and crew. Even Gary Oldman couldn't save this one. I'll spare the details of the numerous errors in judgement of whoever "adapted" this book, and convey my frustration with just one example: Verger's muscle-bound lesbian sister doesn't even exist in the movie!!! She was a major player in the story, from an awkward sexual scene with Barney to the fact that SHE KILLED VERGER... and to just omit her character completely? I won't even start on the butchered ending. That's Hollywood I guess.
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