More cheese from Asylum Home Ent.
28 April 2006
Was cruising through Wal-Mart with the wife when we spotted this movie for $6.88 in a discount bin. The wife will watch anything with vampires in it so I checked out the box. The cover was pretty damn good at first glance. A guy in a leather trench-coat holding a triple shot crossbow and some kind of futuristic gun with a bat flying overhead looking like it was morphing. I flipped the box over and noticed it was made by The Asylum...uh oh...first sign of trouble. I had unknowingly bought a few movies by them a while back and 3/4 of them I was NOT impressed by them. (The Scarecrow series and War Of The Worlds being the exceptions) I went ahead and read the synopsis and I was impressed. It actually sounded good...Van Helsing..Dracula...Time Travel..hmmmmmm.

We got home and popped it in. Man, I couldn't have been more wrong. I really got to learn to trust my instincts. Not even 10 minutes into it I just wanted to cry. You couldn't hear a word being said at all, the acting was sub-par at best, the lighting was just atrocious, and worst of all...when I could hear the actors (yeah right) they sounded like they were talking around a wad of cotton. The teeth appliances they had to use were just wrong. If you look closely you can see it bulge out the lips and cheeks of the wearers.

The overall movie looks like it was shot and edited by Ed Wood. In almost every scene I could spot mistakes, goofs, continuity mistakes, you name it. I just watched it again to get a laugh from it.

With all that being said I will say this... The plot isn't bad at all even though it was slightly predictable. If done right and a lot more attention paid to the details it would make a damn good movie. This just isn't the movie.
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