hostage approved
26 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i only watched this movie because i was one of the hostages in this real life event. that being said, it does a good job of telling the story of that day. there were some changes from the real event: names, fewer victims, combining people into one character, i never had a romance with freddy prince jr, etc., but i guess they had to do that to keep from paying us for our life stories. the only thing that really bothered me is that they made it seem like we were having a little pizza party and enjoying ourselves. the mood was definitely more somber and many of the kids were physically sick from stress--migraines, vomiting, etc. the jokes we told were to help relieve the tension, not because we were having fun. even though i don't think this is a high quality movie, i'd recommend it as a rental because with the increased violence in schools, it has become more relevant and it is a problem that needs to be addressed instead of people taking the "it wouldn't happen here" attitude.
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