Review of Air Strike

Air Strike (2003 Video)
Crashed and burned...
25 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: A small US force of some rangers and attack helicopters (apaches) is sent to the east European country of Petrovia (? -if I remember correctly) to aid the government in their battle against drug-lord/terrorist Ivan and his militia. A first strike against a drug convoy results in two apaches hit and three pilots dead. To replace them a retired ace is brought in, and a daughter of a general turns up. But before the unit can plan next strike, Ivan takes revenge, striking against a bank and the American mess hall. Now, it is personal...

Comments: I think that somewhere before they started to make this movie someone thought: "Hm, I sure do got a lot of fireworks, what to do? I know, lets make a movie! And hey, aren't those American helicopters cool?" Anyway, that it is how it seems. The one thing that is of good quality and done well are the explosions. No money spared there, and hence everything in sight blows up, for one reason or another, and blows up big. There are lot of huge fireballs. The apaches seem to have been a little harder to come by. So a lot of sequences of the helicopters are animated (poorly), and others seem to be to taken from some kind of commercial or technical video. The few scenes of real apaches I'm pretty sure are taken from the American mid west, although the movie is set in Europe.

The plot and story is bad, cheesy and predictable. Our helicopter hero is worse than Rambo, even when fighting on the ground. His magazines are unlimited and he is impossible to hit (which is in fact stated in the movie, he is simply charmed). On the other hand, the evil and supposedly well-trained militia acts and fights worse than kindergarten kids with water-rifles. I don't know what to think of the acting. To be fair they do not have much material to work with. But the acting do not elevate the average at all, so it is rather poor too.

Still, much of the impression a movie makes is about expectations. And this movie delivers about what I expected. I expected a simple movie with little story and much action. I got most of it. But they could have put a little more effort in it, and it would have been so much better.

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