Blue Ice (1992)
Better than reported by others
23 April 2006
I try to be respectful of others opinions as everyone is entitled to one, but, as an actor and a producer who has been the recipient of ignorant comments, I have to respond to some of the comments regarding BLUE ICE. For the person who chastises Michal Cain for doing this picture and suggesting he did it for the pay check, It was his company that produced it. It was supposed to be the first in a line of quarterly pictures for TV with the same character. His partner died and that ended that.

Regarding Bob Hoskins small role...he and Caine have been lifelong friends and this is just one more of a number of pictures they have done together and to suggest that Hoskins has "ruined" his career is just ludicrous.The man continues to turn in outstanding performances in A-list films and top of the line independents. See MRS. HENDERSON PRESNETS.

The name "Harry" is a staple of Noir through both film, novels and TV-to wit "Harry O" on TV with David Janson in the 70's. "Harry" in Heminghway's TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT, and yes, the "Harry Palmer" stories of Len Deighton but that does not mean BLUE ICE is a rip off of those stories. And to suggest that Michal Caine does not do well in action films is ridiculous. See ZULU, BATTLE OF BRITIAN, A BRIDGE TO FAR, and a host of others.

I found BLUE ICE to be intelligent, well done, well acted picture with a good script. I do agree that the ending is not up to snuff but the rest of the film, especially the "Jazz" sections, is not something one sees often and it added a measure of quality to the picture.
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