Still relevant
21 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The mouse that roared is a show case for the remarkable talents of Peter Sellers, playing a number of parts, my favourite being the duchess.

The story tells of how a tiny nation, Grand Fenwick, invades the USA hoping to lose the war and gain much needed aid to stop the country from going broke. Unfortunately no one told the leader of the army, Sellers again, and against all the odds he wins the war by capturing a scientist and his new weapon of mass destruction and forcing the USA to surrender. Of course this sends the tiny duchy into a bit of a tiswas. Though it turns out fine in the end, with the formation of the league of little nations negotiating world peace.

The film is still able to comment on modern life, with the power held by nations like the USA and the trappings that go with that position on the world stage. Though some of the production values are dated the humour shines through and it makes for an enjoyable 80 minutes.
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