Black. White. (2006)
Best Lessons Served by Non-Cast Members
13 April 2006
I'm not a big fan of contrived social experiments and certainly don't think it's appropriate to extrapolate much out of a sample body of 2 families but I did appreciate the honesty of those who weren't aware that they were being filmed. From the store clerks who ran out of job applications, to the cop advocating racial profiling, to the drum circle crowd upset at the "interracial" couple and the line dancers shaking their heads at the "black" couple. These were the moments that makes one shake his head in resignation.

Although the end speechs were highly edited with jump cuts and melodramatic music, I was taken by the words of Kenny the self-proclaimed ex gangster. I was moved by his eloquent words and his heartfelt caring for Nick. He had the entire room transfixed on his words and his emotion and while he didn't speak to the issue of race he did reach out and connect with Nick in a way no one else in the show did. Indeed, it was quite sad to hear Nick say that he has never been close to anyone, including his own family. We can't solve the issues of race if we can't even bridge the disconnect in our families. As Kenny alluded, if we fail to realise the power in our relationships with the people around us, we will never realise our true potential. We should all start locally and then work outward from there.
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