Review of Campus Man

Campus Man (1987)
Unintentionally Hilarious
9 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered this movie on HBO in the early 90s, and have loved its awfulness ever since. Particularly awesome is the last two minutes of the film, which is a virtuouso, tour de force of clichéd 80s storlyine resolutions.

It goes down something like this. Our Hero and all the supporting players are gathered in a diving arena for some ill-defined charity fund raising event. There is a dais poolside peopled with VIPs. Onlookers fill the stands. Then the goofy happy endings start rolling at us like an avalanche. First, Our Hero learns he has earned enough money from his calendar sales to stay in school. Then, his buddy Brett does a fancy high dive that makes everyone clap and which, somehow, earns thousands of dollars for charity. Then, "Cactus Jack" and Morgan Fairchild, who met for the first time a scant thirty second ago, kiss, because we all know in movies like this, nearly everyone must be coupled off with SOMEONE by the end of the film. THEN, Our Hero's business professor materializes on stage out of nowhere to congratulate him for using his business ingenuity to raise enough money to stay in school and tells him, "I always knew you could do it." (The professor then scampers off camera without even waiting for Our Hero to say anything in response.) THEN (it's still not over) Our Hero jogs up to pool side to shake Brett's hand for his fancy dive (and apparently raising enough money in doing so to end world hunger). Of course, the Third Rule of Movie Making is that if a swimming pool appears on screen, someone must fall in. In judicious observation of the rule, Brett PULLS OUR HERO INTO THE WATER IN SLOW MOTION. The delighted crowd of onlookers laughs and applauds. THEN, in slow motion, Our Hero and Brett high five (yech).

And THEN, wait for it . . . wait for it . . . Our Hero, treading water, turns to the camera and, in slow motion, flashes us, the audience, a "thumbs up." Then, of course, FREEZE FRAME on that shot of the thumbs-up, fade to credits.

Watch it. Watch it over again. It's unintentionally, p#ss your pants funny.
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