The Stranger (1946)
Who Says Fear of Terrorism Is a Contemporary Problem
5 April 2006
Who says that fear of terrorism is a new development, post 9/11. Imagine the fears and exposed nerve endings of the average towns person living in the shadow of World War II. There was the fear of infiltration by the Nazis with their secret agents, blending in with our everyday citizens. Orson Welles plays just such a guy. He is kind, pleasant, quiet, and very dangerous. He even sets about marrying a woman as part of his secret plot. Edward G. Robinson, who normally would have been the heavy, plays a tired, hard working investigator who is leaving no stone unturned. The plot is intricate, though predictable, and the whole thing is hard to take your eyes off. Welles was a great director, but perhaps an even better actor. He keeps this thing going, raising it above the common fair of the time. The writing keeps the good guys at bay, but the clues continue to sit there, ripe for discovery. The clock tower is a great symbol, continuing to remind us of the urgency of everything. The dramatic irony presented makes us continually uncomfortable. We are treated to the movements and activities of the villain, and being let in, it makes everything more enjoyable. See this if you can.
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