Review of 15

15 (2005)
Bad, in a horrible-demented way
4 April 2006
This movie is bad, because of the script, directing, acting ..., everything. There is an awful attention to detail and you can see today's Romania everywhere in the so called '89 era..., from the plastic chair in the train stations, signs, renovated roads, and even foreign cars. And incredibly today's Romania looks as awful as the Communist age, so cannot support the directors opinion of how any things have changed. The script is an artificial construction, collecting some horrible facts, into a story that tries to disgust and haunt you. And the characters..., oh god.., they are so week, and acted so badly. really pointless, nothing to connect to. The settings are all wrong, there is nothing of the great openings and large masses of people that acted the Revolution. The film might suggest to the unfamiliar, that these were some kind of Paris riots, where the police used real guns. Everithing is suburban, a world of vagabonds. And what about the whole France thing, maybe Nicolaiescu tried some fine irony, when the french editor suggested the journalist that she may write something about: orphans, dogs, AIDS, crap like that..., so Mr. Nicolaiescu WTF.., is in your movie..., isn't exactly the same... SOME FRENCH GUY WOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME STEREOTIPICAL CARACTERIZATION OF ROMANIA ...

And the people of '89 Romania, they all had BLUEJEANS, WOW..., incredible, And what is with all those poor animals, thats cruel and unfair and STEREOTIPICAL as well. And finally why the Romanian revolution is portrayed by its most brutal and inhuman episode..., and Elena Ceusescu is the only guilty one. Why everyone is portrayed so nicely..., and caringly... WHY I DON't FELL ANY HATE TOWARDS THE COWARLDLY MILITIANS WHO DID THAT!!!..

and finally What is the point of the scene where people get shot on a bridge..., if the guy is dreaming..., why that is the only scene that merely brushes with the reality I know about the revolution, when everything else feels artificial and farfethced

!!!FLAMING:!!! Sergiu Nicolaiescu should have just remained silent after '89. It's unbelievable how a guy who had it all under the Ceausescu regime. If it's not a overly nationalistic-inflated historic movie, or some stupid action thriller portraying the regime in an good light, Nicolaiescu cannot do a decent job. That's because for some tyrannosaurus-Communist-red people, freedom of speech is such a bad thing. I cannot understand the nerve this guy has in preaching to us his "truths" .., I still cannot believe that the very same people that build the Socialist Republic of Romania, still think they can teach us something, to us the people that made the '89 revolution, we the young, the generation that pushed this ass-pit of a country towards NATO membership and EU. !!!/end of FLAME!!!!
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