Love Stinks (1999)
I'm a chick and I think this movie is hilarious.
19 March 2006
Seriously, this movie is hilarious. If your girlfriend doesn't think its funny and you do, you should ask yourself this question-- Is this really the type of woman I want to be with? There is nothing better than a bit of dark humor, especially when it comes to psycho chicks. This girl is completely out of control, and the guy handles it very well. Clever film. What else can be said? This movie wasn't particularly popular when it came out, and the cast members also seem to be kind of obscure. This film will potentially become a cult classic, kind of like the movie Office Space has become. Most people you ask have never heard of it, but ask any movie buff or video store employee (which I used to be and it how I came across it) and they'll laugh and recommend it immediately. The photography and settings in the film are quality; visually pleasing. Even though the cast aren't necessarily your most famous in Hollywood the acting is great. The film does provide an all round positive comedic experience. When you finish watching it, you probably will want to see it again.
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