Review of Oh Baby

Oh Baby (1998–2000)
Not so funny, not so realistic, not much anything...
18 March 2006
Despite the title, this comedy really isn't about having a baby. The first few episodes are, but as the show goes on, it focuses more and more on the character of Tracy, her wacky family, her friends, and her work. It's a very ordinary comedy; the only original part is that we get commentary from Tracy while she watches her life on videotape. The commentary is self-ironic, but rarely truly funny. In fact, nothing about this show is particularly funny. There's a neurotic, cold mother, a weird psychiatrist who can't handle her own kids, and other such clichéd characters. The woman who plays Tracy overacts terribly. It's awful to watch.

Furthermore, I have a problem with the very premise of this show. OK, so Tracy feels like it's time for her to have a baby. Her boyfriend disagrees. So the logical conclusion to that is - she dumps the guy and has artificial insemination? What? I must admit I agreed with her family that it was a weird choice to make. I'm not against artificial insemination or single Moms, I just think it's a choice you should give some thought to, and Tracy just seems to do it as a lark. So how can this show depict the problems of women who have artificial insemination, if it makes it seem like an easy decision you do overnight? All in all, a terrible show. I'm glad it was canceled.
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