A Funny little TV Number that will leave you smiling
13 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Confessions seemed like a cute little chick flick based on a best selling novel so I gave it a try along with my beautiful girlfriend Sarah. We were both pleasantly surprised in the humorous and well performed low budget TV Film that I think could have easily been released theatrically without many changes at all. It far exceeded some of the other crap I've seen make it to theaters. I have no doubt that part of the film's charm and the reason why it works is female director Dana Lustig. Most certainly a male director could not have pulled off the same level of humor and content that Lustig manages. Definitely made with women in mind, I still enjoyed the humor of a woman who is more or less the most imperfect human being on the planet and gets what's coming to her while still becoming the hero in the end.

Jennifer Love Hewitt is nearly astonishing as the delightfully horrible Katya Livingston. She's shallow, materialistic, self-involved, and not to mention a liar, thief and flakey. Not many take to her with the exception of her gay best friend. This is Hewitt's best role to date I think. She manages to be completely horrible to everyone and yet still be the heroine that you feel sorry for and root for. Colin Ferguson plays her love interest, her love god, Charles Fitz. If nothing else he's any woman's dream man. He's good looking, romantic, sentimental, and sensitive. His performance is good but not stand out. He's more there to be a pretty face and certainly accomplishes that. His chemistry with Hewitt and her character is very good which is something considering how awful her character is. Another surprise and stand out performance is the long missing return of none other than Joey...I mean...Joseph Lawrence...WHOA!! Lawrence plays Hewitt's gay best friend who is searching for love, Ferguson. Although his role is very small he plays gay very well (yes that's a compliment.) This is his best role possibly ever as well. Hewitt and Lawrence have great chemistry as well and he is comedy relief as well. Character actor Daniel Roebuck is great as Hewitt's boss and Sonja Bennett also does a good job in her small role as Eliza, Hewitt's other best friend and co-worker.

The combination of a fun cast that really work well together and a good story that is also tons of fun makes this a nice little TV treat. It won't blow you away but it's fun and it'll surprise you with it's cute little characters. I think I would love to see Hewitt reprise this role again, in fact I think a TV Series or film series would be very profitable. The film is a little bit tasteless and dips into sexual promiscuity and really for Hewitt's character to find redemption is pretty far fetched but it's still worth seeing, especially if you've read the book because I would think it's a worthy follow up to reading the novel. 7/10
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