Review of Making It

Making It (1971)
Shortest review in the New Yorker
13 March 2006
I originally wrote a very terse entry, because it is, after all, about what is supposed to be the shortest movie review in New Yorker history. But given the 10-line rule, I'll blather on for a moment.

Perhaps this note will be my incentive to finally buy the CD collection of the entire history of The New Yorker, so that I can look up this review up and see if it is indeed apocryphal, which would be very much in keeping with the author of the novel on which the movie was based. Jim who would do anything to turn out a phrase that rapidly made a point.

In any case, I took a course from James Leigh, who wrote the novel on which "Making It" was based. The novel's name was "What Can You Do?" According to Leigh, the New Yorker review in its entirety was:

"'Making It' was based on the novel 'What Can You Do?' What you can do is not see it."
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