Want a Day Off --- Ferris Bueller will show you how to do it!!!!
11 March 2006
Ferris Bueller's Day off is practically a step by step guide to taking a day off from school, although it requires some elaborate equipment and schemes, both of which Ferris has in abundance, to much chagrin from his sister and the school principal whom are not fooled by his schemes.

Ferris has decided to take his ninth day off with his best friend Cameron and his girlfriend Sloane. With the principal hot on their tails Ferris and Co. drive around town in Cameron's father's Ferrari, go see a baseball match, eat at a fancy restaurant and watches a parade (well Ferris participate in it to some extent).

This movie is fun to watch mostly due to the principal and Cameron but also due to the elaborate schemes of Ferris and the way he tricks his parents into believing that he's really sick (the father even 'sees' his son a couple of times but for some reason dosn't recognize him?????) It has some pretty stupid moments (like the above mentioned scenes with the father). But these dos not ruin the movie in any way.

The acting is okay, not award winning but satisfactory enough: Matthew Broderick does a okay job at portraying Ferris Bueller; the scheming kid. Alan Ruck as Cameron Frye; the somewhat insecure kid; is probable the actor that does the best work here, especially considering that he at the time was near 30 years (well above the normal age of a high school kid). Mia Sara as Sloane Peterson does an fairly anonymous performance, this can be due to the fact that the character doesn't do that much in the first place. Jeffrey Jones does a splendid job as Edward R. Rooney; the school principal; in fact his performance also candidates to the best alongside Ruck's. Jennifer Grey plays Jeanie Bueller; Ferris's sister; with a pretty stuck up trait, this is probably how she's supposed to play it but in comes out somewhat single minded. In smaller roles we have Ben Stein as Economics Teacher and Del Close as English Teacher, both does a fairly boring impression, but this is in most cases how teachers seem; boring and dry (actually this is how Ben Stein plays most of the roles I have seen him in). In cameo roles we have Kristy Swanson as Simone Adamley, Charlie Sheen as Boy in Police Station, both does okay especially Sheen.

All in all I give this 6 out of 10. If you like either Broderick, Ruck or Jones then see this you won't regret it. If your not that big a Broderick fan then it depends on how small a fan of him you are whether or not you'll like this.
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