Not Deathless Art But Kind of Fun
6 March 2006
Walk Like a Man isn't Man for All Seasons or Return of the King or Philadelphia, but it's a pleasant diversion. It helps to be half brain-dead to watch it - kind of a tired Friday night film.

Howie Mandel is amazingly physical as a boy raised by wolves. It is believable that his subsequent chronic back problems emanated from tearing around on a leash, sitting on people's heads, eating sloppily at a formal dinner, chasing fire trucks, sniffing crotches and scrambling over objects. Bobo is innocent, spontaneous and good. Cloris Leachman is perfect as Bobo's not quite there mother. Watching them try to learn puzzles together or howl together is enchanting - a real apple:tree connection.

This is not a deathless movie, but it has some fine laugh out loud moments. It's hard to believe that Howie Mandel isn't part wolf.
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