Uneven cop comedy enlivened by terrific fighting from a Bruce Lee-inspired Samo Hung
19 February 2006
Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon is an average cop comedy thriller raised to a higher level by some superb fight action. It's not really one of Samo Hung's classics,and sometimes comes across as being little than plot elements or scenes from lots of other cop thrillers,American or otherwise. There's the gangster's moll and her shady,crafty lawyer who the hero wants to beat up {Police Story],the lengthy section of the film where our two cops go on holiday,meet up with two girls and consider leading a more peaceful life {Running Scared},the main villain brutally killing an employee at dinner {The Untouchables and many others}and many others. Samo Hung and his co-star Karl Maka are two cops but their behaviour is as bad as the leads in Freebie and the Bean.

Much of the comedy does not really travel too well,it's generally mildly amusing rather than funny,and Maka's manic persona can be a little irritating. Still,you have Hung's fighting skills in full flow,and he does a superb imitation of Bruce Lee during some moments. Fans of Lee will enjoy the way that,rather than copying scenes wholesale from Lee's movies,he mostly sticks to his own style but drops in little blink-and-you're-miss-them bits of Lee,for instance the tapping of the two sticks from Game or Death or the stomping of the sniper from Way of the Dragon.

There are a few interestingly touches,such as the transvestite killers,and sections {such as the afore-mentioned 'holiday' sequence}where the film almost grinds to a halt. Still,the film is generally OK fun as long as one doesn't expect a classic of Pedicab Driver or Magnificent Butcher proportions.
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