Review of Hotel

Hotel (2001)
DVD should come wrapped in a Glad Bag
11 February 2006
I'm not sure what to say – the negative reviews all seem to mirror my thoughts on this absolute crap movie. "No script", I think that says it all. Uninspired is the nicest thing that I can say about it. I am amazed at how delusional people can be – Figgis, shame on you – letting people pay for this load of garbage.

I would suspect that most people will find this to be a) a waste of money b) a waste of time c) a waste of talent (the actors) and d) an embarrassment for all involved. Some will also add e) insulting and f) bad PR for all artists trying to do some different and creative.

I am sure there is a small group of people that will cast this movie in a somewhat better light than others, but they will be the minority and their reasons for doing so are probably worth examining.

I notice that most of the reviews are well written and make their point without resorting to foul language or sophomoric references. I applaud you all. I must also add that this movie totally sucked the root.
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