9 February 2006
I sat through the entire movie and it was very very painful. This movie was awful.

I enjoy horror movies and like many "low budget" films. But this has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. It is awful. The acting was terrible, the fade between scenes was so lame it was as if using a home video camera.

For a lower budget horror movie I would recommend Mother's Day. Even the Sleepaway camp trilogy movies.

But for anyone who likes this garbage, I would recommend another LOW Budget piece of crap- Hunting Humans (at least it has a good story with an excellent plot twist but the acting sucked) or one of those lame slumber party massacre movies where they use the same EXACT killing scene in several movies.

I am learning real fast if it comes from Lion's Gate, it is going to be CRAP! (just like those paragon pictures from the 80's!)
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