We need more B's in this title!
29 January 2006
College professor and his three students take a trip into Boggy Creek in hopes of learning about its legendary Big Foot monster.

Fictional sequel of Charles B. Pierce's 1972 low-budget docudrama is an entertaining but not particularly eventful B movie. As with his other films, Pierce sets this film up with a narrative style and well-uses the raw wilderness of rural Arkansas. This movie does lack some of the subtleties that made the original creepy though. Pierce throws in the occasional bit of humor, including one especially raunchy flashback sequence involving an outhouse. The music by Frank McKelvey is a nice highlight.

Director Pierce stars and does a decent performance. Chuck Pierce (our director's son) plays one of the students. Best of the cast though are Serene Hedin as a game student and Jimmy Clem as one rough-looking river man.

Over all, a tame sequel but watchable. Appeared on Mystery Science Theater 3000 in 1999.

** 1/2 out of ****
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