Lots of cheesy,bloody, fun.
28 January 2006
After hearing about Bloody Mallory in 2003.I was looking forward to it with eh,"bloody" anticipation.Cut to fall 05 where Lions gate has finally released it to the US.Its not what i had expected.But it is a lot of fun if you don't take it too seriously.I suspect if something like this had come out in the late 70's/early 80's,BM might have become a midnite-movie classic in the vein of Rocky horror.

Saying It is a French Buffy would be the the general wording.But there is more to Mallory and her crew.They are much older(sans talking Tina),have a more aggressive nature,and more of a live-action-animae is better.

The Movie is wall to wall goofy fun.Loads of outrageous gore.Some real funny moments.A lot of male bashing.Body-hopping.A direct shot on the Pope.Vampires,Zombies,slime-things,and demons.

What is bizarre is the way BM moves into a few dramatic territories with such ease that it makes you wonder if this is the same movie.

As Mallory,the luscious Olivia Bonamy more than fills the job with attitude,skills,and a surly demeanor.Love that hair.She shines in the movie's quieter moments where she captures our sympathy.

Jeffrey Ribier as Vena Cava has little to do than look ridiculous.But comes of good-natured.Valentina Vargas is great as the vampire,Lady Valentine.Thylda Bares is okay as talking Tina,who steals the movie with her body-hopping scenes.

Julien Magnat does Bloody Mallory with some degree of style.He makes the movie look like a Zena Episode on acid one minute.Mortal Kombat the next.Techno music included.You can tell he is a big horror fan.I look forward to his next outing.

Not the most serious of horror flicks to come along.But for Goofy good fun Bllody Mallory is worth it.

Where is the sequel?
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