A horrible plot with fast motion.
15 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be the worst movie ever written by mankind. The film starts out in black and white and suddenly it is in color. However, the transition is not as "magic" as the Wizard of Oz. The reason for this: the audio does not ever line up with the peoples mouth movements.

The plot is somewhat like this: "Marc's" friends are babies and won't follow him up on a dare. So Marc goes and sees the crazy witch and gets her cat down from a tree. Presto! A reward is given to him...all he has to do is plant the ring and he will get a magic tree. So we move through the calendar. Now it's Thanksgiving, and before you know it, we have Xmas Eve. If you have survived this long, you know about the horrible lawn mowing scene, that is way too long. Long story short: the rest of the movie makes no sense, "Marc" learns a lesson about being greedy, and everything ends out OK...wish I could say the same for my brain.

When someone can explain the giant man in the forest to me, I'll listen, but I doubt that it will make any sort of sense.
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