James Bond it's not.
6 January 2006
I'll have to admit that I'm a bit biased since the only way I've seen this film was when it was on Mystery Science Theater 3000. So at least I had two robots and Mike help me get through it.

Basically, in a world consisting of eight people tops, our "hero" must find and protect a scientist who has created a deadly form of "spores". A group of four bad guys have apparently stolen the formula and our "hero" must stop them. Oh yea, the scientist has a very hot niece who is also part of the bad guys, but don't worry, I haven't given away a thing.

There are a lot of problems with this film, foremost of which is the casting of Peter Mark Richmond in the lead. While he's a decent character actor, he's at his best playing either bad guys or know-it-all scientists. As a "super spy", he's waaay too smarmy for the role and becomes very unlikable in the final scene with the niece. Also Wendell Corey, once a respectable actor, was at the end of his career and the effects of alcoholism really show with his slurred speeches. About the only interesting thing in this very boring film is Corey's secretary who possesses one very long thumb (as pointed out on MST3K).

Perhaps the main problem is how unimaginative the entire plot is. Not to mention that the method of protecting the scientists results in the "hero" killing off the bad guys in an almost sadistic manner (wiring a TV set to a doorknob for example, what if the paperboy tried that doorknob?).

Unless you see two robots and a Mike in the corner, I would suggest avoiding this film at all cost.
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